Friday, December 10, 2010



Patient calls the therapist dad = transference
Therapist dreams about patient = counter transference
Behavioral therapy disagree with medication = they do not fix the disorder (something like that)
patient says they suddenly have a headache – resistance
guy wants to quit football team – rational emotive
answer personality type A, not all the above
schizophrenia medication = thorazine
bipolar medication = lithium
benefits of group therapy = all the above (economic, blah blah)
Hawe and = changes in life positive or negative
Car going into a womans garage = sexual impulses
Blowing smoke in the face = Aversive conditioning
Type A likely to get heart disease because. . = angry and hostile
Uses empathy and something = humanistic psychologist
Answer to a question = support groups
Guy drinks and may be because of wife = family therapy
Guy is given the ECT reason = severe depression
Answer = biofeedback
Answer = boost self esteem and think about how it could be worse
Behavioral psychologists use this = (I think it was) systematic desensitization
Desensitization is used often for = phobias
Social support question = all the above
Psychoanalysis therapists like support groups = group represents family

Chapter 15, Therapy (18 items):

overall goal is to "make the unconscious conscious”
–free association: release unconscious material by asking patients to express emotions freely
–dream analysis: identify conflicts based on symbols
resistance: patient unconsciously impedes therapy
psychologist will say, I think we are getting close to something and that’s why you are late and skipping. Consciously the patient may think he is really just too tired to come, but unconsciously the therapist may be on to something.
transference: overgeneralization (therapist=parent)
countertransference: therapist’s “blind spot”

Psychoanalysis relies on free association and dream analysis to discover hidden impulses and memories, which make the unconscious conscious

Humanistic (Person-Centered Therapy)
Rogers: “person-centered” therapy
–reflect, clarify, promote client's expression of his or her own feelings and beliefs
They are different psychologist because they will not give their advice to patients but instead encourage them to make their own decisions on the courses they will take

Behavioral psychologists believe the patient needs more and better coping skills. Key word: SKILL
Operant conditioning: Positive reinforcement for good behavior, but ignoring that bad behavior or giving punishment

Cognitive therapy - identify maladaptive thinking and replace it with adaptive thinking
-Ex. Bad Test grade -->A person thinks they are stupid, so because of that negative thought, they become emotional

used to change a clients thought irrational thoughts
Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET; Albert Ellis)
– identify “irrational” beliefs
– substitute “rational” ones

group therapies
Easier to recognize and understand a defense mechanism or other maladaptive symptoms in another group member than in yourself
psychoanalytic: group represents family

systematic desensitization
Systematic Desensitization – relaxing during extremely frightful situations: 3 steps
relaxation training
–shape new response as substitute for anxiety
–positive effects both biological and psychological
–construct stimulus hierarchy
Hierarchy stimuli – a list of things in order of what causes the most anxiety.
-provide a solution for all the stimuli.  Behavior therapists will tell them to attack the problem

aversive conditioning
Aversive conditioning: pair a noxious, aversive stimulus with behavior you want less of: ex, putting something in their alcohol that makes the alcoholic throw up and not want to drink.

ECT Electroconvulsive therapy:
used for people with moderate to severe depression, especially if medication has not worked and/or suicide is likely

Lithium – bipolar
Thorazine – scizophrenia
antidepressants - MAOI’s you cant take many common foods.  They replaced that with tricyclics, but can easily overdose. Then made SSRI’s - cannot overdose on
lithium - effective with bipolar mood disorder

medications control symptoms; they do not directly cure disorders or build adaptive skills Pills do not build skills.  Many side effects are called “resistance”

PSYCHOANALYSIS: make the unconscious conscious
PERSON-CENTERED THERAPY: increase self-awareness and acceptance
BEHAVIOR THERAPY: rewrite the slate (erase maladaptive behaviors, insert coping skills)
COGNITIVE THERAPY: identify maladaptive thinking and replace it with adaptive thinking
COUPLES/FAMILY/GROUP THERAPY: use natural relationships to facilitate change
BIOLOGICAL THERAPY: correct/adjust for defective anatomy or physiology

Chapter 16, Stress and Health (7 items)

Stress = the perception of a situation as requiring some kind of active response which we may not immediately have at our disposal
Stressful Life Events (Holmes & Rahe)
–higher stress --> worse outcomes

Type A men are especially susceptible to:
Heart attacks

Social support  – people lacking support have more problems and are more likely to die prematurely (from all causes)

Monkeys grooming each other is a model of social support in humans.  It is best to give support than to receive it.

General Adaptation Syndrome

General Adaptation Syndrome (Selye):
-"alarm" reaction: sympathetic arousal
         -fight or flight
-sympathetic division of the automatic nervous system becomes activated
body ADJUSTS by clotting blood; coping
–“exhaustion”: physical or psychological damage
-energy completely depleted, negative consequences of stress occurs when coping is inadequate

Type A behavior
“Type A” behavior: intense, competitive, impatient (time urgency), autonomic reactivity, easily elicited aggressiveness and hostility
“Type B”:  relaxed, noncompetitive, slow paced, non-aggressive

any technique using instrumentation to give immediate, continuous feedback about body functions

Adaptive cognitions:
meaning: specific explanation for a bad event
-girls that had a specific explanation for why they got breast cancer, did better off. 
–mastery: control whatever can be controlled
            -study what to do to become better
–enhanced self-esteem: downward comparisons

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